Understanding the DMR Treatment Method

DMR stands for Diagnose, Manage, Rehabilitation. This method is a systematic approach to treating a range of musculoskeletal conditions. It involves identifying the problem, managing it, and then implementing rehabilitation strategies to restore functionality. The DMR treatment method is not only about alleviating pain but also about improving the overall quality of life for my patients.

How DMR Treatment Method Works

The DMR treatment method is a three-stage process, and each stage is equally important. The first stage, Diagnose, involves a thorough evaluation of the patient's condition. This includes a comprehensive physical examination, review of the patient's medical history, and, if necessary, diagnostic tests such as x-rays or MRIs. The aim is to pin down the root cause of the problem, rather than just treating the symptoms.

Next comes the Manage stage. The focus is on managing the diagnosed condition through a tailored treatment plan. This plan can include chiropractic adjustments, massage, and other physical therapies, along with dietary changes and advice on lifestyle modifications. The goal is to reduce pain and inflammation, improve mobility, and address any underlying health issues.

Finally, the Rehabilitation stage involves implementing strategies to restore function and prevent recurrence. This could involve exercises to strengthen weak muscles, improve posture, and enhance flexibility. The aim is to help the patient return to their normal daily activities and maintain their improved health status over time.

Benefits of Chiropractic for Improving Wellness

Chiropractic care is about more than just treating pain. It's about enhancing wellness and improving the quality of life. One of the key benefits of chiropractic for improving wellness is its focus on prevention. By identifying and treating underlying issues, chiropractic helps to prevent recurring problems and promotes long-term health.

Chiropractic also emphasizes a holistic approach to health, considering the body as a whole rather than just focusing on isolated symptoms. This approach helps to balance the body's systems, promoting overall wellness. Additionally, chiropractic adjustments can help to reduce stress, improve sleep, enhance immunity, and boost energy levels, contributing to a better quality of life.


The DMR treatment method, with its focus on diagnosing, managing, and rehabilitating conditions, is a comprehensive and effective approach to health care. Chiropractic care can help you to improve your health and enhance your wellness.

To learn more on the DMR treatment method, visit Jennings Kinesiology & Chiropractic in our San Jose, California office. Call 408-292-BACK (2225) to schedule a consultation today.

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